Transform Your Life with Elite Private Coaching

Receive personalized coaching with me, Paul Hughes, the world's most experienced Vivation teacher.

I work exclusively with just 2 highly motivated clients/groups each month who are ready to realize the most significant, rapid, and transformational gains in their personal growth, emotional well-being, and life satisfaction. 

Book Your Discovery Call Today

Why Choose Elite Private Training?

This is your opportunity to work directly with Paul Hughes, the world's most experienced Vivation teacher and the lineage holder of Vivation, and Denise Harris, a seasoned professional in personal growth and trauma healing. Our elite training program is designed to help you unlock your full potential and achieve profound emotional freedom. 

Here’s why our training stands out:

  • Unmatched Expertise
    Paul Hughes brings over 23 years of experience in Vivation, having taught over 20,000 students across 30 countries. As the lineage holder of Vivation since 2008, Paul’s deep understanding and mastery of this modality ensure that you receive the highest quality training available.

  • Synergistic Support from Denise
    Denise Harris adds over 20 years of experience in personal growth and trauma healing. Her background in multiple modalities, including Hakomi therapy and somatic experiencing, complements Paul's techniques, creating a balanced environment for effective trauma release and integration.

  • Complete Path to Mastery
    Our training is grounded in the Seven Basic Lessons of Vivation. This compact, meticulously refined system offers a complete roadmap from beginner to emotional master in just a few days.

  • Empowering Autonomy
    Vivation emphasizes emotional freedom and self-reliance. The core goal is to foster autonomy, giving you the ability to heal yourself anytime and anywhere. You will learn practical, lifelong skills for rapid emotional healing.

  • Flexibility and Convenience
    We offer flexible training formats to suit your needs:

    • One-on-One Training: Deeply personal and focused sessions.
    • Couples and Family Training: Strengthen relationships and improve communication.
    • Workshops: Immersive, intensive training and transformation over several days.

  • Enduring Personal Growth
    Vivation is a catalyst for sustained personal growth. You will cultivate profound awareness and master skills leading to lasting emotional healing and inner peace.

Book Your Free Discovery Call Today


Unlock Your Potential with Personalized Vivation Training from the World's Leading Teacher


Master the core elements of Vivation with The Seven Basic Lessons
  • The Seven Basic Lessons introduces you to the foundational skills of Vivation through our Seven Basic Lessons. In just three days, you will learn a transformative, step-by-step process to integrate your emotions, enhance your well-being, and achieve lasting happiness. This course can be taken online, with the exception of the warm water session, which must be done in person. For the most profound experience, especially with the eyegaze and Vivation-in-Action sessions, we recommend in-person training.
  • 7 Guided Vivation Sessions
    • 4 Eyes Closed Sessions
    • 1 Eyegaze Session
    • 1 Warm Water Session
    • 1 Vivation-in-Action Session


Deepen Your Mastery of Vivation
  • Our Advanced Training program builds on the foundation of the Basic Training, taking your skills to the next level. This highly personalized and intensive course provides deeper insights into the Vivation process and introduces advanced methods for integrating complex emotions and life situations. Whether you're seeking personal growth or aiming to become a certified Vivation Professional, this training equips you with the expertise to achieve your goals.
  • Advanced  Guided Sessions
    • Deeper sessions with eyes closed
    • Eyegaze variations
    • Mirror gaze
    • Hot-and-cold water Vivation sessions (the most powerful form of Vivation, period)
    • Vivation-with-Music
    • Vivation-in-Tandem
    • Advanced Vivation-in-Action
    • Values and Purpose Process
    • Vivation & Creativity
    • And much more



 * For larger groups I am willing to travel to you at special discount pricing. Call for details.
* Extended retreats of more than 5 days are available upon request.

3-Day Online Basic Training

Experience personalized training from the comfort of your home.

Plus, You'll Receive:

  • 3 weeks of follow-up coaching ($595 value)
  • From Skill to Habit: 30 Days to "Enjoying All Your Life" Course ($495 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Vivation Essentials Library ($99 value)
  • 2X Guarantee (double the coaching if you're not completely satisfied)
  • 20% discount on community membership (weekly group coaching)



50% for each additional person

3-Day In-Person (Basic or Advanced Training)

Immerse yourself in an intensive training experience in Thermopolis, Wyoming.

Plus, You'll Receive:

  • 3 weeks of follow-up coaching ($595 value)
  • From Skill to Habit: 30 Days to "Enjoying All Your Life" Course ($495 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Vivation Essentials Library ($99 value)
  • 2X Guarantee (double the coaching if you're not completely satisfied)
  • 20% discount on community membership (weekly group coaching)
  • Transportation (to and from Cody Airport to Thermopolis)



50% for each additional person

5-Day In-Person (Basic + Advanced Training)

Deepen your transformation with an extended training experience in Thermopolis, Wyoming.

Plus, You'll Receive:

  • 5 weeks of follow-up coaching ($995 value)
  • From Skill to Habit: 30 Days to "Enjoying All Your Life" Course ($495 value)
  • Lifetime Access to Vivation Essentials Library ($99 value)
  • 2X Guarantee (double the coaching if you're not completely satisfied)
  • 20% discount on community membership (weekly group coaching)
  • Transportation (to and from Cody Airport to Thermopolis)



50% for each additional person

Flexible Payment Options Available

We understand that investing in your personal growth is a significant commitment. To make this life-changing training more accessible, we offer flexible payment and financing options.

To determine the right program for you
Book Your Discovery Call Today

Jim Leonard

"Paul Hughes is the most gifted Vivation Professional I've ever taught. From early on, I saw in Paul that rare blend of heart, intellect, deep insight, and compassion that would inevitably position him as a luminary in the world of Vivation. I've been honored and privileged to know Paul and count him as a good friend, resting easy knowing  the future of Vivation is in his hands."

Jo Oliver

"The training was mindblowing.  
Informative and packed with transformational experiences and connecting conversations.  Paul is a dedicated and passionate teacher of Vivation with a tremendous wealth of knowledge and experience to share. 
Truly amazing though, is the journey thereafter.   The follow up support has been like no other course I have attended, both from Paul and from fellow ‘Vivers’.   I love the integrity."

Anthony Dallman-Jones, PhD

"Hidden in plain sight. Paul sits on top of some of the most powerful information known to man. And no one would I trust more with it. He is a thoughtful, intelligent and compassionate man who TRULY cares about what happens to humanity AND has dedicated his life to making life a joyous experience. It is wonderful to know someone you can trust completely to level with you and help you at the same time."


Meet Your Instructors

Paul Hughes

As Director of Vivation International, Paul has dedicated his life to empowering people through Vivation. Since 2001, Paul has taught over 20,000 people in 37 countries, becoming the most experienced Vivation teacher in the world. Paul's friendly approach helps him build strong connections with his students. As the driving force behind training all new Vivation Professionals today, Paul continues to inspire and shape the Vivation community, generously sharing his knowledge and expertise with Vivation enthusiasts around the world.

"Paul is a warm and compassionate teacher, and is the most gifted Vivation Professional I have ever taught.” – Jim Leonard, Creator of Vivation

Denise Harris

Denise is an esteemed Vivation professional with over 20 years' experience in the personal growth and human/spiritual development field. She has a rich background in multiple modalities including Hakomi therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and Surrendered Leadership. Denise trained extensively in Buenos Aires, where she immersed herself in the spiritual and energetic dimensions of Tango. A dedicated meditator for over 20 years, she has also held leadership roles in the orgasmic meditation community and trained directly with prominent figures such as Genpo Roshi and Nicole Daedone. Denise brings a wealth of knowledge and compassion to her Vivation practice, making her an invaluable partner in guiding clients toward profound emotional healing and personal transformation.

Embrace Your Future with Vivation Now

Are you standing at the precipice of decision, wavering on the edge of transformation? Today, you have the power to leap into a new chapter of your life. Vivation invites you to unlock an unimagined future, to step into a fulfilling new career of transformation and liberation.
Still unsure if this leap is for you? That's okay. Decisions this monumental should be deliberated. Book a discovery call and let's discuss how becoming a Vivation professional could align with your dreams and aspirations.

Your crossroads present three paths:
  1. Stagnation: The familiar and comfortable. The path of no action. But you already know where this leads. It’s the same scenery, the same cycles repeating. Isn’t it time for a new journey?

  2. Self-guidance: A solitary journey, embarking on the path without a compass, without a guide. A route filled with unnecessary detours and roadblocks. Is this the most fulfilling path to your destination?

  3. Mentorship with Us: Allow us to be your guides, your mentors. We offer you a roadmap filled with expertise, companionship, and guidance. Why wander in the wilderness when you can journey on a path well-trodden by masters?

Take a moment to consider the possibilities ahead. It's not about what you stand to lose, but the extraordinary world you stand to gain: a realm where you harness the transformative power of Vivation, igniting profound change in the lives of others as well as your own.
Embrace the exceptional opportunity before you. Embark on your transformative journey with Vivation today. Don't merely dream about the future, seize it now.

Take a moment to pause, take a deep breath, and trust yourself. 
Schedule Your Free Discovery Call Now